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Corporate Plan for Public Consultation


an artist impression of Waterloo Station an artist impression of Waterloo Station

Sydney Metro is seeking your feedback on the draft Corporate Plan 2024-2028 to inform our strategic directions and shape our focus as we continue to deliver a world class metro for the people of NSW.

What’s this about 

The draft Sydney Metro Corporate Plan 2024-28 represents a new planning cycle and a refresh of our strategic objectives and focus areas. The plan covers the period of 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2028 and will be updated annually as required by the Transport Administration Act 1988.

The plan sets out our five key strategic objectives  essential to achieving our mission as a world class metro: 

  1. Provide a high-quality passenger and place experience
  2. Plan, design and build to shape the future
  3. Drive financial responsibility
  4. Position the organisation for continued success
  5. Reduce environmental impact and champion social outcomes

The draft Plan also outlines the initiatives that we plan to undertake to realise our strategic objectives. 

Tell us what you think  

We invite you to review the document and share your feedback. Comments can be submitted to until Monday 17 June 2024. Please mark subject as Corporate Plan 2024-28.

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