Artist's impression of The Bays Station
The Bays Station
Main site features
The Bays Station will deliver rail to the area for the first time, providing critical connections to the Sydney CBD and the western suburbs. The Bays Station will act as a catalyst for the long awaited renewal of the area.
The Bays Station will be located between Glebe Island and White Bay Power Station. It will provide direct access to the future Bays Waterfront Promenade, which would run north to south along White Bay.
Access and entry
There will be one new station entrance to the south of White Bay, near the proposed future Bays Waterfront Promenade.
Planning and compliance
Station excavation and tunnelling
The Department of Planning and Environment granted approval for the Sydney Metro West Project Concept between Westmead and the Sydney CBD and station excavation and tunnelling between Westmead and The Bays in March 2021.
Acciona Construction Australia Pty Ltd and Ferrovial Construction (Australia) Pty Ltd Joint Venture (AFJV) was awarded the contract for station excavation and tunnelling between Sydney Olympic Park and The Bays.
The Department of Planning and Environment granted approval for the station excavation and tunnelling between The Bays and Sydney CBD in September 2022.
A Modification Report to the planning approval for station excavation and tunnelling between The Bays and Sydney CBD was on public exhibition in February 2023. The modification proposed to allow for tunnelling to be undertaken 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by road headers and other methods, in addition to tunnel boring machines. This would be consistent with all recent tunnelling projects in Sydney, including other stages of Sydney Metro West. The modification was approved in April 2023.
John Holland Pty Ltd, CPB Contractors Pty Ltd (CPB) & Ghella Pty Ltd joint venture (JCG JV) was awarded the contract for station excavation and tunnelling between The Bays and Sydney CBD.
Rail infrastructure, stations, precincts and operations
The Department of Planning and Environment granted approval for rail infrastructure, stations, precincts and operations between Westmead and the Sydney CBD in January 2023.
Click here for further information on Sydney Metro West planning and compliance documentation.