Artist’s impression of Parramatta metro station
Parramatta metro station
Main station features
Strategically located to the north of the existing Parramatta Station, the new metro station will be within the commercial core of the Parramatta CBD, taking pressure off the existing station and giving customers a second rail option.
Parramatta metro station will support Parramatta CBD as a major employment growth centre, boosting jobs and improving connections across Greater Sydney. It will provide easy, efficient and accessible interchange with buses and Parramatta Light Rail. The new metro station will integrate with the proposed Civic Link, a green, pedestrianised public space from Parramatta Square in the south to Parramatta River in the north.
Parramatta metro station will be on the block bounded by George, Macquarie, Church and Smith streets.
Access and entry
One station entrance will be on Horwood Place and a second station entrance location is yet to be determined.
Planning and compliance
Station excavation and tunnelling
The Department of Planning and Environment granted approval for the Sydney Metro West Project Concept between Westmead and the Sydney CBD and station excavation and tunnelling between Westmead and The Bays in March 2021.
Gamuda Australia and Laing O’Rourke Consortium (GLC) was awarded the contract for station excavation and tunnelling between Sydney Olympic Park and Westmead.
Rail infrastructure, stations, precincts and operations
The Department of Planning and Environment granted approval for rail infrastructure, stations, precincts and operations between Westmead and the Sydney CBD in January 2023.
Over station development
Sydney Metro has submitted Response to Submission Reports for Parramatta to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for assessment.
Click here for further information on Sydney Metro West planning and compliance documentation.