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Corporate documents

Annual Report

Sydney Metro’s annual report outlines our services, achievements and operational activities for the financial year 2022-23. The Annual Report has been prepared in accordance with the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 and the regulations under that Act. 

Read the Sydney Metro Annual Report 2022-23 

Previous versions 

Sydney Metro Annual Report – 2021-22 
Sydney Metro Annual Report – 2020-21 
Sydney Metro Annual Report – 2019-20 
Sydney Metro Annual Report – 2018-19 

Corporate Plan

Our Corporate Plan is our key strategic document, setting our objectives, areas of focus, actions, and metrics for success. The current corporate plan covers the period of 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2028 and will be updated annually as required by the Transport Administration Act 1988.  

Read the Sydney Metro Corporate Plan 2024 - 2028

Previous versions

Sydney Metro Corporate Plan – 2023
Sydney Metro Corporate Plan – 2022
Sydney Metro Corporate Plan – 2021
Sydney Metro Corporate Plan – 2020
Sydney Metro Corporate Plan – 2019

Sustainability Report

For Sydney Metro, ‘sustainability’ means planning, building and operating metro services, places and transport infrastructure for current and future generations that optimises environmental, social and economic outcomes. 
Sydney Metro’s sustainability report provides a detailed assessment of our performance and progress against our sustainability strategy and targets. 

From 2024 sustainability reporting will be published in our Annual Reports. 

Previous reports 

Sustainability Report – 2023
Sustainability Report - 2022 
Sustainability Report – 2020 
Sustainability Report – 2018 
Sustainability Report - 2017

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