City Stations
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About City Stations
While all city stations are now open, commuters will notice hoarding and minor ongoing work in the precinct areas at most new stations. This work largely involves improvements to roads, footpaths and traffic intersections.
The new buildings above Crows Nest, Victoria Cross, Gadigal and Waterloo stations remain under construction and will progressively open as they are finished. For more information see Integrated Station Development.
Notifications will be uploaded here for all active city sites.
If you are having difficulty locating a document, please contact the City & Southwest project at sydneymetro@transport.nsw.gov.auor call our 24-hour community information line on 1800 171 386.
For all M1 Line operational and service information visit transportnsw.info/travel-info/ways-to-get-around/metro
Station and Precinct Design Plans
Construction planning and compliance documents can be found in our Document Library, or on the contractor’s websites, which are listed in the City and Southwest planning and compliance page. Design documents are found on this page after the construction notifications.
Chatswood Dive
Crows Nest Station
Victoria Cross Station
Blues Point
Barangaroo Station
Martin Place Station
Gadigal Station
Central Station
Waterloo Station
Maintenance Facility and Marrickville Dive
Sydenham Station