Sydney Metro Review announced

On 13 April 2023, the NSW Government announced a comprehensive and independent review into the Sydney Metro project, the Sydney Metro Review.
The Sydney Metro Review will examine value for money, delivery models, project governance and passenger impacts. It will evaluate the delivery of Sydney Metro to date, the current state of progress against delivery targets and make recommendations for getting the maximum value out of the project, including looking at better land use, urban renewal and better integration with the wider transport network.
Sydney Metro has a role in creating vibrant new communities, enhancing existing places, delivering integrated station developments and acting as a catalyst for urban renewal.
The review will be conducted by Mr Mike Mrdak, who is currently Chair at the New South Wales Regional Growth Corporation, and Chair at the Airport Development Group. Deputy Chair of the review will be Amanda Yeates, CEO of SunCentral.
The Review will engage with key stakeholders, seeking their views and input. These stakeholders include:
- Sydney Metro
- Transport for NSW
- Infrastructure NSW
- other key stakeholders in NSW Government and industry.
The Review’s Interim Report was released on 1 August 2023 to support the 2023-24 NSW State budget. Final findings and recommendations will be tabled by end of 2023 for consideration by Cabinet.
Download – Sydney Metro Review terms of reference
Download – interim findings of the Sydney Metro Review