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Pyrmont Scoping Report lodgement to DPE


Artist's impression of Pyrmont Station as viewed from Union Street Artist's impression of Pyrmont Station as viewed from Union Street

Sydney Metro has reached a milestone in the future of the Pyrmont Station precinct with the lodgement of the scoping report for the integrated station development with the Department of Planning and Environment.

The integrated station development was identified as a key feature of the Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy and is key to the vision for the Pyrmont Peninsula, enhancing plans to revitalise this inner-city precinct by encouraging jobs, investment, and economic growth.

The 33-storey building above the station will include a mix of commercial, residential and retail uses to complement the station, helping to create a vibrant new precinct where people can live, shop, work and play.

Sydney Metro has been working closely with stakeholders to ensure this future building will provide a mix of uses to complement the local area. The building is consistent with provisions in the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

Sydney Metro enhances public spaces with vibrant transport precincts, acting as a catalyst for renewal and better connections.

The metro program has a strong track record of creating and supporting new communities, improves amenity, and delivering new integrated station developments.

An Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed over station building envelope (concept development application) is anticipated to be on exhibition for public comment in 2023.

A second Environmental Impact Statement considering the design and construction (detailed development application) of the building will follow.

There will be an opportunity to provide feedback about design excellence at both stages of the planning process. The Scoping Report is available on the Sydney Metro West interactive portal or on the Department of Planning and Environment’s website.

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