Jobs program builds skills pathway to the future

The latest participants in Sydney Metro’s pre-employment program have graduated with a 100 per cent jobs success rate.
The program helps local, long-term unemployed and disadvantaged people find work on major transport infrastructure projects.
It’s part of Sydney Metro’s wider workforce development strategy.
The ninth group to complete the program graduated at the NSW Infrastructure Skills Centre with all 13 participants offered work by Sydney Metro tunnel builders John Holland CPB Ghella.
So far, 106 people have completed the program with 39 per cent Aboriginal participation, 96 per cent successful completions and 82 per cent job outcomes.
The program provides accredited entry level technical skills, mental health awareness and employability training to prepare job-ready candidates for potential entry-level opportunities.
Tailored pre-employment training is available to a range of groups including young people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse individuals and women working in non-traditional roles.
Many of the successful candidates will also start training for a Certificate level II or III qualification to further develop their skills.
The pre-employment program was developed through the Sydney Metro Skills for Employment Advisory Group and was a collaborative initiative between government agencies and industry, delivered in partnership with principal contractors, the Department of Jobs and Small Business, the Department of Industry and Sydney Metro’s lead providers TAFE NSW, Global Skills Australia and Hunter Valley Training Company.