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Crows Nest Station construction update


An on the ground shot as a construction worker is inspecting the excavation work at Sydney Metro's Crows Nest Station.

More than one third of the new Crows Nest Station site has now been excavated with 146,000 tonnes of material removed from site.

The installation of a 1,700 square metre acoustic shed is now complete on the southern end of the site. Work to install an acoustic shed at the northern end of the site is continuing.

Installing the sheds over construction areas means construction impacts on the surrounding community can be minimised.

Hume Street has reopened so traffic can travel west between Clarke Lane and the Pacific Highway.

A road-level bridge structure has been built so that the new station excavation can continue underground. An acoustic shed has also been built to reduce noise from the loading of trucks.

Two tunnel boring machines (TBMs) will deliver the new twin metro tunnels from Chatswood to the city and will pass through the excavated Crows Nest station box in 2019.

The Sydney Metro project is targeting 100 percent of excavated material from the tunnels to be reused.

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