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Community feedback helps refine Sydney Metro delivery


Artist's impressions of the second harbour crossing

Community feedback has helped refine the delivery of Sydney Metro – Australia’s biggest public transport project – including the possible use of barges on Sydney Harbour to ease construction impacts on roads.

More than 300 submissions were made to the Environmental Impact Statement for the Chatswood to Sydenham component of the Sydney Metro City & Southwest project, which is Stage 2 of Sydney Metro and is expected to open in 2024.

Following community feedback:

  • Sydney Metro will further investigate using barges on Sydney Harbour to move tunnel boring machine parts from the north of the harbour and to take crushed rock from the Barangaroo Station site, reducing impacts on roads and traffic.
  • A future underground pedestrian link from Martin Place Station to O’Connell Street will be safeguarded, further improving pedestrian access.
  • Rock-breaking using heavy construction equipment will only take place during standard construction hours, with the exception of Central Station, significantly reducing potential noise impacts.
  • An alternative site will be investigated within the Artarmon Industrial Estate for the Artarmon power substation.

The Chatswood to Sydenham component of Sydney Metro includes the construction and operation of a 15.5 kilometre extension of new metro rail  from Chatswood, under Sydney Harbour, through Sydney’s CBD and beyond to Sydenham, delivering seven new stations.

Transport for NSW has responded to community feedback as part of a Preferred Infrastructure Report lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment.

After the Environmental Impact Statement was put on public exhibition earlier this year, 301 submissions were received from the community and businesses and 17 from local councils and government departments.

More than 322 people attended six community information sessions during the exhibition period. Transport for NSW will continue to work with the community at every stage of the project as we deliver this world-class metro railway for Sydney.

The Department of Planning and Environment will now consider the responses and make a recommendation in coming months.

The report is available on the Department of Planning and Environment website.

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