Big opportunities for industry with Sydney Metro

The fifth industry briefing for Stage 2 of Sydney Metro has drawn more than 440 industry representatives to the Sydney CBD.
Stage 2 of Sydney Metro – the Sydney Metro City & Southwest project – extends metro rail from the North West, under Sydney Harbour, through new underground CBD stations and beyond to Bankstown. It is expected to open in 2024.
The tunnelling contract will be awarded later this year and other contract packages are also in the market. Expressions of interest for Central Walk, including the Metro platforms, were called in late March, and the request for tender for the Sydenham Station and Junction works package has also been issued. Other packages will be released later this year as the project continues into the delivery stage.
Industry was briefed on the upcoming opportunities for precinct and over-station development, focusing on Sydney Metro’s commitment to developing metro stations which are successfully integrated into their locations.
Sydney Metro will transform Sydney, delivering 66 kilometres of new metro rail and enabling housing and employment growth all along the Global Economic Corridor and west to Bankstown.
The industry briefing also covered opportunities to be involved in major contracts like the Bankstown Line station upgrades, Sydenham junction design and construction as well as line-wide contracts for the provision of station infrastructure like lifts and escalators.
Since the start of Sydney Metro in 2011, industry engagement and consultation has played a key part in defining and refining the project.
More than 2,000 people have attended industry briefings and the Sydney Metro project team has met with more than 140 companies as part of market sounding.