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$3 billion for Sydney Metro West


An artist's impression of a Sydney Metro train going through a tunnel that is lit up.

The NSW Government has announced that an initial $3 billion has been reserved for the Sydney Metro West project.

The funding will allow Sydney Metro to start: 

• Designing new metro railway stations and precincts to get the best outcomes for customers and communities; 
• The planning approvals process, continuing the community and industry consultation that has been taking place. 

In the 2018 Budget, $28 million will be invested to complete the final business case.

Sydney Metro West will link the Sydney CBD with Parramatta and Westmead via The Bays Precinct and Sydney Olympic Park, with work underway to determine other stations along the route. 

Work has already started to determine the best underground route with a program of geotechnical drilling, which will continue.

The most recent round of community consultation saw 1,200 people give their feedback on the project, with further opportunities for consultation later this year. 

More information about Sydney Metro West here:

First mega borer on its way for city tunnelling

Work escalates at Norwest

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